Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hammerhead Fred

A crazy hammerhead shark is part of some characters involved with a project out of Nashville.

Jooga and Bobo

Here's a personal piece involving 2 characters Jooga and Bobo that live on the far side of Jupiter. This is part of an ongoing series of pieces I hope to lead to a story book. It's been in my head for several years and I work on it when free.

Jooga and Bobo

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Boy Who Cried Dinosaur

Here are works from a promotional story by Joel Haas entitled, The Boy Who Cried Dinosaur. All works done with pastel on Rives BFK printmaking paper. To receive a free pdf of this short fable, just contact me from my website, WalterStanford.com.

Swampy Bear

Here are some finished pieces from a Swampy Bear storybook project. Art was done with pastel on Rives BFK printmaking paper. Enjoy.