Thursday, December 27, 2012


As with many of my creatures, they start with a small thumbnail concept which I blow up. I knew this little gal would be a beaut from the beginning.

Bubbles, 10 x 10, pastel

Sketch was actually 1.5 inches

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bearded Swamp Bass

Bearded Swamp Bass, pastel, 8 x 12

A little bearded fish from the mushroom swamps.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Boss Frog

Boss Frog, 9 x 14, pastel

This piece was started as a fantasy demo for an Appalachian Pastel Society presentation which was followed by a workshop. It was finished in the studio and is an exercise in creating various looks in pastel. I find that I'm more experimental when painting whimsical subjects. Enjoy!

Jive Turkey

Jive Turkey, Roughly letter size, pastel

This is a funky gobbler I came up with at a recent demo I did. I love doing these creatures. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Another study from a recent workshop. I will need to re-sketch a bit if I intend on pursuing this creature more.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Flying Blubberlip

Flying Blubberlip, 8 x 10, pastel

This little character is a flying creature done recently with some talented students at the Waterworks Arts Center in Salisbury, nc. Enjoy.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


This piece began as a demo for a presentation at the Waterworks Visual Arts Center in Salisbury, NC. You can see how it started out and the finished piece. Thanks to Betsy for the photos! My first thoughts, with assistance from the audience, was a zebra/amphibious/insect type creature, but once I got it into the studio, I felt it needed a more aggressive stance. The colors were fun to work with and as with all fantasy pieces, I learn small techniques and adjustments in pastel that I might not have tried if I were doing traditional subjects.  This fellow definitely deserves a spot within my Jupitersafari series.

Sketching in black pastel on Rives BFK printmaking paper

Under-painting with first steps

Finished piece, 12 x 16, pastel, $250